We stand for a healthy planet

We stand for a healthy planet


Our Mother Earth is currently facing severe environmental concerns such as global warming, air pollution, waste disposal, ozone layer depletion and water pollution – all which affect every human, animal and nation on this planet. At BLOOM we thrive to place the health of the planet and the well-being of current and future generations at the heart of every decision making. We are committed to making continued responsible choices for ourselves, BLOOM and the planet.

We are actively working to reduce waste and water consumption in our daily operations. We prefer ecological options in our daily operations. Instead of air travel we prefer remote meetings. We strive to use public transportation when traveling. Our events offer sustainable food with less environmental impact: organic food, preferably using locally produced raw materials. We strive to prevent food waste. We make sure that all waste is sorted and recycled properly. We are making extra efforts in recycling: we handle the recycling of empty cosmetic packaging from press and influencers. We have strict environmental requirements for disposable products, and we prefer products that are eco-labeled. We restrict the use of unwanted chemicals and instead use eco-labeled products in cleaning, dishwashing and laundry.

At Bloom, we are committed to active environmental work which includes green initiatives. We for instance organize environmental cleaning days locally, to which we invite the BLOOM community.

